Christmas Eve 2024: 12 Dishes That Must Be Prepared.

Christmas Eve 2024: 12 Dishes for Celebration
Christmas Eve 2024: 12 Dishes for Celebration

One of the oldest Ukrainian Christmas traditions is the Holy Supper. On the table on Christmas Eve, 12 simple dishes should be ready. According to one version, the number 12 represents the number of apostles.

Christmas Eve is the night before Christmas and is celebrated on December 24. On this day, believers prepare for the celebration of the birth of Christ and observe the last day of fasting. Traditionally, adults are not allowed to eat on Christmas Eve until the first star appears in the sky. When this moment arrives, everyone sits down to the table with twelve simple dishes, among which Kutia and Uzvar should be included. On this day, the consumption of meat, dairy products, and eggs is forbidden; however, fish is allowed.

Glavkom tells which main dishes should be prepared on Christmas Eve.


The most important of the 12 dishes on Christmas Eve is Kutia. This is where the feast begins. Kutia was made from ground wheat that was crushed in a mortar. Thus, the top thin layer was removed, but the grain was not damaged. Sometimes rice or barley was added. The mandatory ingredients were: honey, jam, and dried fruits.

Grain meant eternal life, prosperity, and wealth for our ancestors. Honey was a symbol of the divine word, purity, and Christian faith. Poppy seeds were also a must in Kutia – a symbol of the innocently shed blood and martyrdom.

After each family member has tried all 12 dishes on Christmas Eve, Kutia is left standing overnight so that the souls of the deceased ancestors can taste it. This dish symbolizes the union of the world of the living with the world of the dead.


Of the 12 dishes on Christmas Eve, Uzvar is considered the second most common after Kutia. It symbolizes new life, a birth that God has gifted to man. Uzvar was made from dried fruits and pure spring water. The latter symbolized the purification of body and spirit. Honey was also must-add in the drink.


One of the 12 dishes on Christmas Eve was the simple Borscht. It is made only from vegetables and previously fermented beet kvass. Therefore, the dish has a deep red color. Because of this aspect, borscht has always been regarded as a symbol of the blood of innocent children killed by King Herod in Bethlehem.


Another of the 12 dishes on Christmas Eve that was very popular among Ukrainians. It is made from sour pickled cabbage, symbolizing simplicity, strength, and unity around Jesus Christ.

Karačun, Kaloch, or Bread

This symbolizes death and resurrection. Our ancestors explained this by saying that the grain is first thrown into the ground, where it 'dies,' then sprouts and bears fruit (thus 'resurrects').


Fish has always been seen as a symbol of Christians. Three intertwined fish or one fish with three heads symbolize the Holy Trinity. Therefore, it is a must in the list of the 12 dishes on Christmas Eve. The fish swims freely in waters. Thus, Christians also begin to truly live only after bathing in holy water. Even the first monogram of Jesus Christ was the sign of the fish, because the Greek abbreviation for the name of the Savior (ΙΧΘΥΣ) is translated as 'fish.'

Beans and Peas

This dish is considered a symbol of divine spring and rebirth in Christianity. It also symbolizes the unity of all family members gathering around a table to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Cabbage Rolls with Millet

One of the 12 dishes on Christmas Eve, its name resonates with 'dove' – a symbol of the Holy Spirit that brings divine love to people. Worldwide, the dove symbolizes peace, tranquility, and kindness.


They can come in any form. Of the 12 dishes at Christmas, mushrooms immediately symbolize the two natures of Jesus Christ: the earthly (stem) and the divine or heavenly (cap).


Our ancestors could not imagine the 12 dishes on Christmas Eve without Pampukh. They were regarded as symbols of saints who believed in Jesus Christ and received eternal life in heaven. For the common people, pampukh are a symbol of happiness, prosperity, and joy that are necessary for everyone during the Christmas holidays.


Since ancient times, they symbolized satiety and prosperity. Our ancestors often said that God gave man the opportunity to live on earth 'like a varenek in oil,' meaning very well.


For our ancestors, groats were a symbol of unity and continuation of lineage. Therefore, it was a must in the list of the 12 dishes on Christmas Eve. Moreover, it is a symbol of fertile land, fertile livestock, and a diligent householder.

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