The world explained how Putin's crimes against Syria became a prelude to war in Ukraine.

Ruins of Syria due to Putin and the war in Ukraine
Ruins of Syria due to Putin and the war in Ukraine

Putin uses Syria for crimes against humanity - expert

The Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force, Muzaf Mustafa, stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been using Syria to develop methods for destroying civilian populations. As a result, Bashar Assad's regime forced millions of people to leave their homes and killed many. Such crimes became a harbinger of the war against Ukraine.

Mustafa's words were voiced at hearings of the U.S. Helsinki Commission. According to him, Russian President Putin, along with Iran, helped the drug trafficker Assad, who committed genocide in Syria, to remain in power, and he also used the situation in Syria to advance his aggressive policy. Mustafa also noted that Putin wants to increase the number of refugees in Europe, support right-wing extremist parties, and undermine the European Union.

The Executive Director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force called for support for Ukraine and the Syrian people in their fight against Putin and Assad. He also mentioned that ISIS could be finally defeated if Assad leaves office. In addition, Mustafa highlighted the need to continue sanctions against Assad, Putin, and Khamenei.

Mustafa also thanked the U.S. for the assistance provided through the 'Security Forces Assistance' program, which allowed his organization to provide medical and humanitarian aid to children living without anything during the conflict in Syria.

In his statement, Mustafa emphasized the necessity to continue supporting the Syrian and Ukrainian people in their struggle, as well as to prevent the normalization of relations with dictators Assad, Putin, and Khamenei.

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