Khopthyan Valentyn

Date of birth: 30.09.1955
Valentin Antonovich Khoptyan - former head of the Ternopil Regional State Administration.
Place of birth. Education. Born in the village of Viktorivna, Chemerovetskyi district, Khmelnytskyi region. In 1977, he graduated from Kamianets-Podilskyi Agricultural Institute (Agronomy, Scientific Agronomist). In 1989, he graduated from the Higher Party School in Kyiv (Party and Soviet Construction, Specialist in the field of Party and Soviet Construction, Instructor).
Career. 1977-1978 - Agronomist, brigade leader of Gorky Collective Farm (Shydlivtsi village, Chemerovetskyi district, Khmelnytskyi region).
1978-1979 - Instructor of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Committee of the LKSM of Ukraine.
1979-1981 - First Secretary of the Chemerovetskyi District Committee of LKSMU.
1981-1987 - Second, First Secretary of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Committee of LKSMU.
1987-1988 - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Teofipol District Council of People's Deputies (Khmelnytskyi region).
1988-1991 - First Secretary of the Teofipol District Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
1990-1991 - Chairman of the Teofipol District Council.
From February to August 1991 - Affairs Manager of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine.
From August to December 1991 - Member of the Liquidation Commission.
From December 1991 to April 2000 - Chairman of the Board of LLC 'Kyivska Rus'' (Kyiv).
2000-2005 - Head of the Chemerovetskyi District State Administration.
From March 2005 to May 2006 - Head of the Chemerovetskyi District Organization of the People's Party (leader - Volodymyr Lytvyn).
2006-2010 - Head of the Tonis Farm Enterprise.
From June 2010 - Head of the Pidvolochysk District State Administration (Ternopil region).
On December 21, 2010, by decree of President Viktor Yanukovych, he was appointed head of the Ternopil Regional State Administration.
On March 2, 2014, by decree of the acting President of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, he was dismissed from the position of head of the Ternopil Regional State Administration, and Oleg Syrotiuk was appointed in his place.
He was a deputy of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council of the 4th convocation and the Chemerovetskyi District Council of the 5th convocation.