Smolii Yakov

Yakiv Vasylovych Smolii - Ukrainian banker, Candidate of Economic Sciences.
Yakiv Vasylovych Smolii was born on February 1, 1961, in the village of Verbivets, Ternopil region. In 1983, he graduated from Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko with a degree in "Applied Mathematics." In 2002, he defended his dissertation on the topic "Integration of Banking Information Data Warehouses."
In his career, Yakiv Vasylovych worked in the research sector of Lviv University, as well as in the Ternopil Financial and Economic Institute and the "Orion" plant. Since 1991, he has worked in the banking system of Ukraine, holding positions such as Head of Automation Management, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the "Aval" bank, and Director of Banking Business Issues at LLC "Prestige-Group."
In January 2014, Yakiv Vasylovych became the Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine, and later he was appointed as the First Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine. From March 15, 2018, Yakiv Smolii held the position of Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine. However, on July 1, 2020, he submitted his resignation, citing political pressure on the National Bank. On July 3, the Verkhovna Rada approved his resignation.
In his 2016 declaration, Yakiv Smolii stated that he and his wife had $10 million in deposit accounts. In 2017, he received over 10 million hryvnias from deposits and dividends, as well as 2.4 million hryvnias from the rental of 11 different properties. Yakiv Vasylovych Smolii is married and has two daughters.