Technical issues with deferrals Reserve+: MoD named the reason.

Technical problems with Reserve+ deferrals
Technical problems with Reserve+ deferrals

According to the law on mobilization, parents of three minor children who do not have alimony debts can receive a deferral.

The application "Reserve+" used for processing deferrals has a problem displaying documents for parents whose children were born in different marriages.

According to Deputy Minister of Defense Kateryna Chernogorenko, "the situation with other types of deferrals for parents with many children, who do not have three minor children in a joint marriage, is complicated by the fact that we do not yet have interaction with the Unified Register of Debtors to check for alimony debts.

Thus, parents whose children were born in different marriages have not lost the right to deferral, but they face difficulties in obtaining it due to technical problems with the "Reserve+" application.

Recall, earlier Reserve+ launched beta testing of electronic deferrals.

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