The temperature will rise to +10°: weather forecast for January 2.

Weather forecast for January 2
Weather forecast for January 2

On Thursday, January 2, the weather in Ukraine will be cloudy with clearings and no precipitation. Only in the west of the country may there be a slight rain. In the southern part of the country, fogs are possible at night and in the morning.

The wind will blow from the southwest at a speed of 7-12 m/s. In the northern, most western, and Vinnytsia regions, wind gusts of up to 15-20 m/s are expected, and in the Carpathians up to 25-30 m/s. Such weather conditions may lead to difficulties in the operation of energy, construction, and utility companies, as well as in transportation.

Air temperature

At night, the temperature will range from 3° above zero to 2° below zero, while during the day, temperatures of 5-10° above zero are expected. In Crimea, temperatures may reach up to 13°.

In Kyiv region, it will also be cloudy with clearings and no precipitation. The wind will blow from the southwest and will have a speed of 7-12 m/s, with gusts of up to 15-20 m/s.

Nighttime air temperature will vary from 3° above zero to 2° below zero, while during the day 5-10° above zero is expected. In Kyiv, the nighttime temperature will be 1-3° above zero, and during the day it will be 7-9°.

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