Three reasons why you should wash the floor with salt.

Floor coverings get dirty quickly and require regular cleaning. For damp cleaning of laminate flooring, salt can be used.
Saltwater cleans any dirt well and makes furniture and floors brighter. In addition, a salt solution has a disinfecting effect, killing germs. This is especially important in homes with children or people with allergies. Washing the floor with salt also helps to cleanse the house of negative energy.
For example, washing the front doors with salt can protect against bad influences and negativity. Salt is considered a means of protection from ill-wishers and can cleanse the home's energy.
Why wash front doors with salt
Today, more and more people are noticing the impact of negativity on their lives. Saltwater or washing doors with salt can serve as protection against external negative energy and protect a person and their space.
During cleaning, parquet should be wiped with a glycerin solution. Dilute 1 tbsp. in a glass of water.
If linoleum has darkened, wash it with warm soapy water and allow it to dry. Then polish it to a shine with a cloth soaked in milk.
Linoleum should not be washed with hot water or water with added soda or ammonia. It is best to clean it with warm water and laundry soap.
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