In Britain, the number of Brexit supporters has reached a minimum since the referendum.

People talk about Brexit
Кількість прихильників виходу Великої Британії з ЄС досягла найнижчого рівня з часу референдуму.

Britons support Brexit less

According to a public opinion poll conducted by YouGov, the number of Brexit supporters in Great Britain has reached its lowest point since the referendum on leaving the EU. Currently, only 30% of Britons believe that leaving the EU was the right decision, the lowest share in all the years since the referendum. During the last polling period in January 2020, support for Brexit was at 40%, while non-support was at 47%.

The majority of respondents (62%) believe that Brexit has had negative outcomes, while only 11% view it positively. It's also worth noting that among those who voted for Brexit, negative assessment also prevails (32% to 22%).

Among young people aged 18-24, who were not eligible to vote in the referendum, approximately three-quarters consider Brexit to be the wrong decision, while only 10% support it.

A total of 2225 adult citizens participated in the survey, which was conducted on January 21-22.

Based on a previous poll conducted at the end of 2024, it was found that most Britons who voted for Brexit would now agree to restore free travel between Britain and the EU in order to access the single market.

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