In Finland, a student with a Russian passport was not allowed on a tour of the nuclear power plant.

The student with a Russian passport was not allowed on the tour
Студента з Російським паспортом не пустили на екскурсію до атомної електростанції у Фінляндії.

In Finland, a boy who holds a Russian passport was unable to attend a tour of the nuclear power plant with his classmates. He is a Finnish citizen but was born in Russia. The reason for his refusal is the security policy of the nuclear power plant, which cannot be changed. Security police claim that the rules for dual citizens have not been tightened. The boy's mother considers this justification to be racist and will appeal to the ombudsman for a more detailed assessment of the situation.

The press service of the nuclear power plant explained that citizens of Russia and Belarus are prohibited from visiting nuclear facilities due to risk assessments and the current situation. The equality ombudsman suggested appealing to them for consideration of the situation, and the president of Finland called for support for Ukraine and will provide assistance worth 200 million euros.

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