Frontex reports historic decline in illegal migration in the EU.

Historic decline in illegal migration in the EU
Значне зниження незаконної міграції в країнах Європейського Союзу.

The number of illegal migrants in the EU decreased by 38% in 2024

According to the European Union agency Frontex, the number of migrants illegally entering EU countries decreased by 38% in 2024 to the lowest level in the last three years.

Frontex reports that the reduction in illegal border crossings to over 239 thousand last year was made possible by enhanced cooperation between the EU and partners in combating smuggling networks. It was also driven by the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overall, the decline in illegal migration was made possible by a reduction in the number of arrivals via the Central Mediterranean route by 59% and the Western Balkan route by 78%. However, there was an increase on the Eastern Mediterranean route and the West African route.

'Although there was a significant decrease in illegal border crossings in 2024, it also revealed new risks and a change in dynamics,' said Frontex director Hans Leijtens.

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