Repeated Water Pollution Recorded in the Seim River.

Water pollution in the Seim river
Water pollution in the Seim river

As of September 22, repeated water pollution is observed in the Seim River. The situation in the Desna River is stabilizing. This is reported by the press service of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources.

Thus, in the Desna River, the situation is stabilizing. Throughout its length in the Chernihiv region, the water has become clearer, with dark sediment at the bottom in some places, no unpleasant odor, and no fish die-off. Live aquatic bio-resources are appearing in the river.

No pollution movement is recorded in the Kyiv region.

As for the Seim River, repeated pollution continues to move along its course.

Improvement is recorded at the point of Chumakove village - water clarity has increased, but a yellow-green tint persists, in some places - greyish.

In the points of Moutin and Ozarichi villages, the water is muddy, the chemical oxygen demand level exceeds the norm by 4.3 times. Dissolved oxygen is absent.

In the point of Baturyn town, water darkening is observed, with a slight specific odor, no fish die-off. The chemical oxygen demand exceeds the norm by 1.1 times. The oxygen regime is normal. Manganese content exceeds up to 1.3 times. No exceedances are recorded for ammonium nitrogen, total iron, nitrites, phosphates, and chlorides.

Further downstream, water quality indicators have not changed over the day. The water is clear, with almost no sediment at the bottom, no unpleasant odor, and no fish die-off.

Let's recall, the Government assessed the environmental damage caused by the pollution of the Seim and Desna rivers.

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