A Ukrainian restaurant burned down in the capital of Estonia. Police suspect arson.

The fire engulfed a Ukrainian restaurant in Tallinn. Police suspect arson
В центрі Талліна сталася трагедія: популярний український ресторан знищено вогнем. Правоохоронці вважають, що це могло бути навмисне підпалом.

On Friday, January 31, a fire occurred at the restaurant 'Glory to Ukraine' in Tellski, Estonia, police suspect arson.

According to the press secretary of the Police and Border Guard Department, Britta Sepp, the police received a report about the fire early in the morning on January 31 at 04:45 in northern Tallinn.

'According to preliminary information, it could have been arson. The circumstances of the incident are being investigated within the framework of a criminal case for damage and destruction of property. This is a preliminary legal assessment, as evidence collection is ongoing,' she said.

The head of the public relations department of the Northern Rescue Center, Siim Palu, said that at 04:45 AM, the rescue center received a report that an automatic fire alarm had been triggered in a building in northern Tallinn. The Central City Rescue Service firefighters were dispatched to the scene.

At the scene, flames could be seen inside the building and sprinklers were working. Firefighters broke down the doors and found a fire in the restaurant on the second floor. The fire only affected part of the restaurant, but smoke spread to the hotel on the second floor,' he said.

As a reminder, there was a fire in the building of the district court in Mykolaiv. It turned out that it was started by an 18-year-old boy. This was reported by the press service of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Mykolaiv region.

It is noted that the report of the fire in the administrative building of the court on Samoilovicha Street in Mykolaiv was received by the police on the evening of January 5. A cabinet in the judicial institution building was damaged by the fire. Firefighters extinguished the fire.

In Kyiv, a 19-year-old young man, during the curfew, poured alcohol on plastic doors and set them on fire with a lighter. At the request of the investigators, the court took the suspect into custody. This was reported by the communication department of the Kyiv police.

The Dnipro Police Department received a report from a businessman on the special line 102 that an unknown person set fire to the entrance doors of his shoe store. Law enforcement documented the damage and started searching for the perpetrator.

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