A powerful earthquake has struck Tibet: many casualties and injuries reported (updated).

Cities destroyed after a powerful earthquake in Tibet
Теракція в Тибеті: наслідки сильного землетрусу вражають.

A powerful earthquake has occurred in Tibet: 53 people killed, over 1000 buildings destroyed

On January 7, a strong earthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale occurred in a remote region of Tibet. According to CNN reports, at least 53 people have died and another 62 have been injured as a result of the earthquake. Additionally, over 1000 buildings have been destroyed.

The earthquake measuring 7.1 struck at 9:05 AM local Time, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) reports. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the remote Tibetan plateau near the border with Nepal. Ground shaking was felt in neighboring countries, including Nepal, India, and Bhutan. 

Rescue operations are currently ongoing, and the extent of the destroyed buildings and the number of affected individuals are being confirmed. Aftershocks could trigger landslides, which will further complicate the situation, geologists warn.

As a reminder, on November 24, two earthquakes occurred in Romania: the first with a magnitude of 4.1, and the second with a magnitude of 3.5.

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