A budget project for 2025 has been prepared in Vinnytsia. Where will the money go.

Budget project for 2025
Budget project for 2025

The Executive Committee of the Vinnytsia City Council approved the draft decision 'On the budget of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community for 2025'. This is stated in the document.

According to the draft, the revenues of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community budget for 2025 will amount to 6,419,976,492.0 hryvnias, including revenues of the general fund of the budget in the amount of 6,250,947,078.0 hryvnias and revenues of the special fund of the budget in the amount of 169,029,414.0 hryvnias, including the development budget - 52,024,000.0 hryvnias.

The expenditures of the budget of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community for 2025 will amount to 6,519,975,387.0 hryvnias, including expenditures of the general fund of the budget in the amount of 5,585,947,891.0 hryvnias and expenditures of the special fund of the budget in the amount of 934,027,496.0 hryvnias.

Revenues of the Vinnytsia Community budget 2025

  • Personal income tax (calculated from salaries) - 3,257,308,058.00 hryvnias
  • Personal income tax paid by individuals based on annual declarations - 136,500,000.00 hryvnias
  • Corporate profit tax and taxes on municipal property - 3,786,300.00 hryvnias
  • Rent payments and payments for the use of other natural resources - 216,800.00 hryvnias
  • Internal taxes on goods and services (excise, fuel) - 583,000,000.00 hryvnias
  • Local taxes and fees paid (transferred) under the Tax Code of Ukraine (land tax, property tax, rental fee, tourist tax, single tax) - 1,888,615,000.00 hryvnias
  • Other taxes and fees (environmental tax, receipts from emissions of pollutants and disposal of waste at special places) - 4,040,000.00 hryvnias
  • Non-tax revenues (from the activities of communal enterprises and placement of temporarily free funds of local budgets) - 232,803,534.00 hryvnias
  • Administrative fees and payments, revenues from non-commercial economic activities - 76,438,020.00 hryvnias
  • Own revenues of budget institutions - 101,295,214.00 hryvnias
  • Capital operation revenues - 52,032,600.00 hryvnias
  • Funds from the sale of land and intangible assets - 48,000,000.00 hryvnias
  • Target fund to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the socio-economic development of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community - 11,615,200.00 hryvnias

Expenditures of the Vinnytsia Community budget 2025

The document specifies the amount of material assistance to residents of the Vinnytsia community:

'From the total amount of expenditures for providing material monetary assistance to residents of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community, assistance is provided to the citizens of the territorial community according to the decisions of the executive committee: 2,160,000.0 hryvnias based on the proposals of city council deputies, calculated at no more than 40,000.0 hryvnias per deputy.'

It has also been approved the total number of employees of the council apparatus and its executive bodies, which are maintained at the expense of the general fund of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community budget, amounting to 901 staff units and executive bodies maintained at the expense of the special fund of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community budget, amounting to 6 staff units.

'Expenses for maintaining the council apparatus and its executive bodies at the expense of the general fund of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community budget amount to 656,414,398.0 hryvnias, including the wage fund 460,814,832.0 hryvnias and special fund in the amount of 4,716,037.0 hryvnias, including the wage fund 2,103,250.0 hryvnias.'

Provisions for replenishing the statutory capitals of communal enterprises:

  • KP 'Vinnytsia Transport Company' - 21,013,940.0 hryvnias;
  • KP 'Vinnytsia Specialized Montage-Operational Division for Traffic Organization' - 2,000,000.0 hryvnias.

The budget provides for expenditures for financing projects-winners of the Public Initiatives Budget competition in the amount of 20,000,000.0 hryvnias, which will be held in 2025, for the implementation of these projects in 2026.

One of the largest expenditure items is for the Program of measures to ensure the defense capability of military units and other military formations of the Vinnytsia garrison, territorial defense and mobilization training in the territory of the Vinnytsia City Territorial Community for 2021-2025 - 800,000,000.00 hryvnias.

Financial support for communal media (radio Misto nad Buhom and TV channel VITA) is planned at 78,754,784.00 hryvnias.

Distribution of budget expenditures for the year 2025 among main managers of funds:

  • Department of communal economy - 405,419,615.00 hryvnias
  • Department of housing economy - 144,942,035.00 hryvnias
  • Department of communal services and landscaping - 424,568,982.00 hryvnias
  • Department of transport and urban mobility - 407,295,801.00 hryvnias
  • Department of architecture and urban planning - 23,546,119.00 hryvnias
  • Department of social policy - 459,351,490.00 hryvnias
  • Department of communal property - 9,123,776.00 hryvnias
  • Department of land resources - 18,325,154.00 hryvnias
  • Department of education - 1,567,793,796.00 hryvnias
  • Department of health protection - 232,894,794.00 hryvnias

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