Ukrainians warned about fake 'census': pretending to be police while visiting apartments.

Fake census: police in apartments
Увага, українці! Не піддавайтеся шахраям, які видають себе за поліцію під час візитів до ваших помешкань.

The Center for Counteracting Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine claims that there is a new fraudulent scheme related to a fake census.

According to the Center, scammers pretending to be Ministry of Internal Affairs employees collect personal data from citizens, including photographs and fingerprints, claiming that this is necessary for the census.

The National Security and Defense Council emphasizes that the Ministry of Internal Affairs has confirmed: police officers are not working on the census and are not involved in this process.

The Center for Counteracting Disinformation stresses that scammers aim to damage the reputation of law enforcement agencies and undermine trust in the authorities.

Citizens are advised not to share personal documents, biometric data, or personal information with strangers. If such cases are discovered, they should immediately contact the police.

Increase in fraudulent schemes in Ukraine

It is worth noting that the number of fraudulent schemes is increasing in Ukraine, where criminals create fake websites and social media accounts, offering Ukrainians state payments and demanding banking details.

It is noteworthy that scammers use fake Telegram channels to spread the fraud scheme involving pension indexing, where they send false information about urgent indexing and require filling out a special questionnaire.

Additionally, a new fraud scheme includes requests for help from friends and offers of generous gifts, using manipulative methods to gain access to citizens' money.

Scammers are also actively spreading fake news about pensions through Telegram channels, where they create messages about improbable changes in the pension system and convince users to follow suspicious links.

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