Ukrzaliznytsia Increased Container Transportation.

Container Transportation of Ukrzaliznytsia
Зростання обсягів контейнерних перевезень залізницею України.

Public Joint Stock Company 'Ukrzaliznytsia' increased intermodal container transportation in Ukraine by 28% compared to 2023, with a total of 258.18 thousand TEU. This was reported by the press service of the railway operator.

The volume of cargo transported in containers has approached pre-war levels, although the growth rate in 2024 has somewhat slowed compared to 2023. In 2021, this number was 279.79 thousand TEU (a 14% annual growth rate), in 2022 it was 150.06 thousand (a 46% annual decrease), and in 2023 it was 201.26 thousand (a 34% annual growth rate).

Regarding the transportation of imported cargo last year: 55.59 thousand TEU; for export - 162.72 thousand; domestic transportation - 38.68 thousand; transit - 1.19 thousand.

The main types of cargo in 2024 are distributed as follows:

  • grain cargo - 46% or 101.8 thousand TEU (a 17.9% annual growth);
  • ferrous metals - 20% or 43.04 thousand (a 42.3% growth);
  • cake - 9% or 19.29 thousand (a 20.1% decrease);
  • oil - 8% or 16.63 thousand (an 8.7% decrease);

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