In Odesa, a military man declared a hunger strike during treatment: Lubinets' reaction.

Soldier on hunger strike during treatment: Lubintsev's reaction
Soldier on hunger strike during treatment: Lubintsev's reaction

Combat medic Petro Konoplia declared a hunger strike due to unsatisfactory conditions at the Odesa Regional Psychiatric Hospital No. 2. According to the results of an inspection, a representative of the Ombudsman in the Odesa region confirmed that the conditions in which patients, including military personnel, are staying are absolutely unsatisfactory and do not meet the established standards. This was reported by Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets.

As Lubinets said, during the monitoring of social networks, employees of the Ombudsman's Office discovered a video in which the combat medic of the 35th Marine Brigade, Petro Konoplia, announced a hunger strike due to unsatisfactory conditions at the Odesa Regional Psychiatric Hospital No. 2.

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In the video, the paramedic said that the patients are fed overcooked food, and there is mold on the walls in the wards.

«It turned out that the medical institution is at the final stage of reorganization and joins the KNP «Odesa Regional Mental Health Center». In view of the identified violations of patients' rights, letters with recommendations for the state authorities on the necessary measures to eliminate them were urgently sent», – says Lubinets.

As the Ombudsman noted, based on the information received from the regional military administration and the Department of Health, appropriate management decisions will be made in the near future, including the possible bringing to administrative responsibility of persons responsible for food, as well as the consideration of the re-contracting issue with another supplier.

In addition, Lubinets promised to keep the situation under personal control.

By the way, recently in Kyiv, a veteran of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Pavlo Yakimchuk had a conflict with a woman in the uniform of the National Police. She called him a «deadbeat invalid» after a remark about parking violations. The veteran reported the incident on his Facebook page. Subsequently, the National Police and Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets reacted to the conflict.

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