A game about the last days of the Ukrainian People's Republic was announced online.

Game about the final days of the Ukrainian People's Republic
Game about the final days of the Ukrainian People's Republic

Ukrainian indie studio Neo Vulgate Cycle announced the release of a visual detective novel on the Steam platform, which will tell gamers about the last years of the independence of the Ukrainian People's Republic, reports Games 24.

Players will be transported to the year 1919, the most tense period when a Ukrainian town is trying to survive during the struggle against the Bolsheviks.

In the game, players will spend 7 days with the main heroines - Zoya and Aza, who found the poems of an unknown poet and decided to solve his mystery.

The developers reported that they plan to show a demo version of the game at the Ukrainian Games Festival on Steam, which traditionally takes place in August.

The demo will introduce players to the characters and demonstrate the beginning of the story.

Although the final release date of the game Vivere Memento has not yet been established, you can already add it to your wishlist.


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