It is cloudy in Ukraine with clearances: weather on March 27.

Weather forecast for March 27
Weather forecast for March 27

Today, March 27, cloudy weather with clearances is forecasted in Ukraine. This was reported by 'Glavkom' referring to 'Ukrhydrometcenter'.

In our country, it will be cloudy with clearances. No precipitation is expected, except for a small rain in the morning and during the day in the southwest, Volyn and Rivne regions. Fog may also be observed at night and in the morning in the eastern regions.

The temperature at night will vary from 0 to 5° Celsius, in the south of the country 4-9°; during the day, it is expected to be 11-16°, and in Transcarpathia, the southern regions and Crimea 15-20°.

The wind will predominantly be northeastern, with a speed of 5-10 m/s.

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