In Ukraine, the cultivation of hemp has begun to be revived.

Light hemp plant coming to the forefront
В Україні розпочато відновлення традицій вирощування конопель.

Revival of traditional hemp cultivation in the Zhytomyr region

Last year, the revival of traditional hemp cultivation began in the Zhytomyr region. Technical hemp was planted on an area of 800 hectares.

'In 2024, traditional hemp cultivation for Polissia was revived in Zhytomyr region - 800 hectares of technical hemp were sown with the prospect of expanding the area to 2,000 hectares in 2025', - it was reported by Zhytomyr Region State Administration.

It is worth noting that the region is a leader in hop cultivation, which is exported to European countries. In addition, Zhytomyr region also leads in the cultivation of blueberries and strawberries.

Last year, the region was also one of the leaders in sowing large areas of oats, rye, and buckwheat, as well as in planting potatoes.

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