Snow and rain return to Ukraine: Didenko spoke about the weather on Unity Day.

Snow and rain on Unity Day
Зима знову на порозі: погода в Україні на День єдності підготувала сюрпризи з опадами.

Weather on Wednesday

On Wednesday, January 22, the weather in Ukraine will be as reported by forecaster Natalia Didenko. Overall, the air temperature will be between +1 and +4 degrees, in the south +3 to +7 degrees, and in the east from 1 degree of frost to 2 degrees above zero. Precipitation in the form of rain and wet snow will occur in places in the west, north, center, and south. The eastern regions will be without precipitation. The wind will be from the southeast, gusty, with gusts of up to 15-20 meters per second in the east.

Weather in Kyiv

Cloudy weather is expected in Kyiv, with rain and wet snow in the second half of the day and evening. At night, the temperature will be around zero, and during the day it will rise to +2, +3 degrees. The forecaster also predicts a rise in air temperature in Ukraine starting from January 24.

Climate changes in Kyiv

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