The cost of constructing a water pipeline for Mykolaiv has decreased by several billion.

The cost of the water pipeline for Mykolaiv has decreased
Вартість будівництва водопроводу для Миколаєва зменшилася на кілька мільярдів гривень.

The cost of constructing a water pipeline for Mykolaiv has been reduced to 5 billion UAH. Previously, this amount was 8.7 billion UAH. This was reported by the State Agency for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

The head of the agency, Serhiy Sukhomlyn, noted that it was possible to change the technical and economic justification and lower the cost of the project. This became possible due to the poor location for construction, which was not convenient, and problems with water supply.

«Glavkom» previously wrote that the central government only addressed the problem of drinking water for Mykolaiv in 2024. The Cabinet of Ministers amended the resolution and provided for the construction of a water intake from the Southern Bug River and a main water pipeline. This will ensure drinking water for the residents of Mykolaiv.»

It was also previously reported that this would cost the state about 7.4 billion UAH. The head of the State Agency Serhiy Sukhomlyn noted that the consumption of centralized water in Mykolaiv ranges from 75 to 98 thousand cubic meters of water per day.

There are also plans for the reconstruction of water treatment facilities in Mykolaiv and the supply of equipment for the new water intake. The State Agency already has plans for the implementation of these measures. The new water pipeline is expected to be ready by the end of 2025.

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