From 30 Hryvnias per kilo: how the prices for sugar, salt, and flour differ in Ashan, Metro, and Varus.

A pack of sugar on a scale
A pack of sugar on a scale

Prices for basic products in large supermarkets

According to data from the Minfin portal, the prices for sugar, salt, and flour differ in large supermarkets.

Bottled sugar costs an average of 34.57 UAH/kg. Among all supermarkets, the cheapest sugar is at the Novus chain - 32.89 UAH/kg.

Wheat flour is sold at a price of 30.55 UAH/kg. The price differences between supermarkets are minor: from 29.99 UAH/kg at Novus to 31.10 UAH/kg at MegaMarket. For two kilograms of flour, you will pay an average of 56.30 UAH, while at Novus this amount is 51.79 UAH/kg, and at MegaMarket it is 60.80 UAH/kg.

Sea salt costs an average of 35.74 UAH/kg. At the Ashan chain, it can be purchased for 33.88 UAH/kg, while at MegaMarket it is 37.60 UAH/kg.

It is worth noting that the prices for one of the main vegetables of Ukrainian cuisine - beetroot - have also significantly increased.

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