Publishers and bookstores: why registration stopped in Ukraine.

Bookshelves with a key and lock
У видавців та книгарень: чому в Україні зупинилося реєстрування

The Ukrainian authorities have suspended the registration of new publishers and bookstores

The registration of new publishers, book manufacturers, and bookstores in Ukraine has been suspended since November 15, 2024. This process may take up to six months. This was reported by the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting (Derzhkomtelradio) in response to a request from Economic Truth.

In order to operate as a publishing house, book manufacturer, or bookstore, a company must be registered in the State Register of Publishers, Manufacturers, and Distributors of Publishing Products (Derzhreyestr). The registration is managed by Derzhkomtelradio.

From November 15, 2024, and until the corresponding regulations are brought into line, including the Procedure for maintaining the Derzhreyestr and the introduction of software for its operation, Derzhkomtelradio cannot ensure the maintenance of the Register of Publishers

The timeline for resuming registration is currently unknown; however, according to the law, the necessary changes must be implemented within six months from the date of enactment.

The Ministry of Culture is responsible for the technical provision of the Register of Publishers. Derzhkomtelradio reports that they contacted the Ministry of Culture on December 9 to clarify the state of preparation of the electronic system for the changes but received a response.

According to Derzhkomtelradio, as of November 2024, at least 63 publishers have not registered their enterprises.

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