A well-known religious figure warned Orthodox Ukrainians in Poland about the danger.

Warning from a religious figure for Ukrainian Orthodox in Poland
Видатний святий закликав православних українців у Польщі бути обережними і уважними.

The Polish Church has not recognized the Orthodox Church of Ukraine

The Polish Church has not yet recognized the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) and is 'complicating the process of its pastoral care'.

The rector of the Open Orthodox University, Georgiy Kovalenko, spoke about the phenomena of propaganda in Polish churches, which are perceived as Russian propaganda points.

It is known that the OCU has taken the path of creating a chaplaincy mission.

The main thing is that the Orthodox Church of Ukraine should not follow the Moscow Patriarchate and should not turn priests into secret agents. Religion should build connections not only with God but also between people. Ukrainian priests should join local Christian communities to maintain a connection with Ukraine and periodically serve parishioners.

In addition, the connection with Kyiv and local Orthodox churches will develop. Georgiy Kovalenko emphasized the need for dialogue with the Ecumenical Patriarchate and local churches.

We remind you that Georgiy Kovalenko is a former head of the Synodal Information and Educational Department of the Moscow Church in Ukraine and is now the rector of the Open Orthodox University.

In 2024, nearly 100 parishes of the UOC-MP appeared abroad, which the rector considers a dangerous trend.

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