Ukrainians' deposits in banks increased by almost 6 billion UAH.

Increase in deposits of Ukrainians in banks
Increase in deposits of Ukrainians in banks

According to the press service of the Deposit Guarantee Fund, as of the beginning of November 2024, the total amount of citizens' deposits in Ukrainian banks amounted to 1,331.6 billion UAH, which is an increase of 5.9 billion UAH compared to the indicator at the beginning of October.

Throughout this year, citizens' deposits increased by 96.8 billion UAH, of which 58.7 billion UAH is real growth, not accounting for the revaluation of foreign currency deposits.

Of the total amount of citizens' deposits, 854.9 billion UAH was deposited in the national currency, and 476.7 billion UAH - in foreign currency.

Deposits of individual entrepreneurs account for 3.2% of the total number of depositors and 11.1% of the total amount of deposits. In total, their deposits amount to 147.7 billion UAH.

It is worth noting that deposits of individual entrepreneurs are guaranteed by the Deposit Guarantee Fund.

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