Drivers warned about danger on the roads: Hydrometcentre reported on the weather.

Warning to drivers about danger on the roads
Автомобілістів закликають бути обережними: Гідрометцентр повідомив про погіршення погодних умов.

Weather forecast in Kyiv region

On Thursday, January 16, cloudy weather with clearings is expected in Kyiv region and in the capital. No significant precipitation.

The temperature will remain comfortable for January: at night -2 degrees, during the day +3 degrees. In Kyiv it will be slightly warmer - at night around 0 degrees, during the day +1...+3 degrees.

Drivers should be cautious due to icy roads in the region. The wind is north-western, moderate, 5-10 m/s.

We remind you that the anticyclone Beate will bring frost and ice.

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