Already 190 Hryvnias per kilo: prices for apples and grapes have surged in Ukraine.

Prices for apples and grapes have risen
Prices for apples and grapes have risen

Prices for apples and grapes in Ukraine have risen, reports the Minfin portal. This applies to both Ukrainian and imported fruits.

Apples have always been a popular product that contains many vitamins. However, their price has noticeably increased recently. For example, the average price for Ukrainian apples has risen from 28.81 UAH/kg to 40.53 UAH/kg. In the MegaMarket supermarket, they cost even 59.90 UAH/kg, while the cheapest can be purchased at Auchan for 31.90 UAH/kg. The price of the Aydared variety apples has also gone up, rising from 31.44 UAH/kg to 37.70 UAH/kg.

The price of grapes has also increased from 125.89 UAH/kg to 144.98 UAH/kg. For instance, in MegaMarket it costs 109.90 UAH/kg, while in Metro – 189.90 UAH/kg.

It is worth noting that previously prices for cereals in Ukraine also increased.

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