Already 200 hryvnias: egg prices are rapidly rising in Ukraine.

The price of eggs is rising rapidly in Ukraine
The price of eggs is rising rapidly in Ukraine

Egg prices in Ukraine rose significantly in March, according to the Minfin portal. This rapid increase is causing concern among Ukrainians, as eggs are an important part of their diet.

According to price monitoring in large retail chains, chicken eggs of the 'Kvotchka' brand (C1 packaging of 10 pieces) now cost on average 75.30 UAH, which is 23.5% higher than in February. 'Yasensvit' eggs in similar packaging have risen from 66.62 UAH to 71.90 UAH, indicating a 7.9% increase. The price increase is especially noticeable in large packages. A package of 30 'Yasensvit' eggs costs 223.85 UAH, which is 11.5% more than in February.

This price increase further impacts the budgets of many Ukrainian families, especially those with low incomes. Eggs are not only a source of protein but also an important part of Easter traditions. This means that Easter dishes may turn out to be much more expensive than many housewives had planned.

Recently, Metro, Varus, and Auchan also raised prices on sausages and cheese.

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