The western part of Ukraine will be hit by bad weather. Level I danger announced.

Bad weather hits western Ukraine
На західній Україні очікуються складні погодні умови. Оголошено перший рівень небезпеки.

On January 10, significant precipitation is expected in Transcarpathia and the Carpathians, which will take the form of rain and wet snow. In the western regions, wind gusts of 15-20 m/s are expected, and in the highlands of the Carpathians - 25-30 m/s. In this regard, Level I danger has been announced.

This weather may complicate the work of energy, construction, and utility companies, as well as hinder normal traffic flow. Rain is also expected in the northern regions. At night, the air temperature will range from 1 to 6 degrees Celsius, while in the northeast of the country there may be frosts - from 0 to 2 degrees. During the day, 4-9 degrees Celsius is expected in the western and northern regions, while in the rest of the territory - 8-13 degrees. In Crimea, nights will be warm - 4-9 degrees, while days will be 11-16 degrees.

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