Assassination attempt on the head of Rheinmetall: NATO revealed a large-scale Russian plan against Europe's defense industry.

Assassination attempt on the head of Rheinmetall: NATO revealed a large-scale Russian plan against Europe's defense industry
Спроба вбивства керівника Rheinmetall: НАТО виявило масштабний російський план проти оборонної промисловості Європи.

Assassination attempt on the CEO of Rheinmetall: NATO confirms Russian conspiracy

NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General James Appathurai officially confirmed information about a Russian conspiracy aimed at assassinating the CEO of the German arms conglomerate Rheinmetall. This was the first official confirmation of such a conspiracy from representatives of NATO, Germany, or the USA.

According to the information released, the assassination plan against Papperger is part of a large-scale Russian campaign against leaders in the defense industry in Europe. Appathurai stated that he has seen instances of sabotage, attacks, and conspiracies in recent years, including train derailments and arsons aimed at politicians. These actions are intended to create concern and undermine support for Ukraine.

“Overall, they are done clumsily, but they are done to create concern in order to undermine support for Ukraine,” Appathurai emphasized.

Russia is seeking executors for these criminal plans via the internet, involving criminal elements, inexperienced youth, and migrants. According to Russia's strategic doctrine, it is prepared to achieve victory by any means, including damaging infrastructure and political interference. Therefore, Appathurai supported the newly elected NATO Secretary General's call for the need to transition to a 'wartime mindset.'

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