Salaries of civil servants have risen to 80 thousand: which agencies pay the most.

Salaries of civil servants up to 80 thousand
Заробітки державних службовців сягають 80 тисяч: які організації найщедріші.

According to the Ministry of Finance, the salaries of civil servants in Ukraine have increased over the year. In 2024, the average salary of officials nearly doubled to almost 80 thousand hryvnias. Compared to the previous period, salaries rose from 38.6 thousand hryvnias in January to 79.8 thousand hryvnias in December.

The highest average salaries in December were received by employees of the Ministry of Culture (134.5 thousand hryvnias), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (125.0 thousand hryvnias), and the State Service for Ethnopolitics (122.3 thousand hryvnias). Among managerial positions, the highest salaries were in the State Service for Export Control (370.5 thousand hryvnias), the NKREKP (366.8 thousand hryvnias), and the NAPK (355.8 thousand hryvnias).

Overall, the salaries of civil servants have significantly increased over the year, indicating an improvement in their financial situation.

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