Zelensky showed the interrogation of a North Korean soldier: what the SBU captive said.

Zelensky interrogates North Korean soldier: tales of SBU captive
Зеленський продемонстрував допит військового з Північної Кореї: що розповів затриманий співробітникам СБУ.

Zelensky published a video of the communication of captured Korean soldiers with SBU investigators

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, published a video on his Telegram channel showing the communication of captured North Korean soldiers with SBU investigators. The captives confirmed information about their movement to Russian territory, training, and complete informational isolation.

Zelensky confirms the captives' information about the movement of military personnel to Russian territory

Zelensky stated: 'Intelligence information about the movement of such military personnel to Russian territory, training, and their complete informational isolation is confirmed by the words of the captives.' He emphasized that all facts will be established regarding North Korea's involvement in the war.

The captive speaks about the relocation of Korean military personnel to Russian territory

The video shows the interrogation of one of the captives, who spoke about how the North Korean military personnel get to Russian territory and participate in combat operations. The serviceman noted that transportation is carried out by sea and rail transport while maintaining secrecy. He also confessed that he did not know about the assignment to fight in Russia and about the goals of the war.

The captive spoke about his journey by ship and participation in combat operations

The captive stated that he was on a ship with over 100 people, which was a Russian ferry, not a military one. After the sea journey, the group was transported by train in special wagons. He also claimed that he had been participating in combat operations since January 3, but he could not specify the exact number of wounded.

The captive assumes that his mother does not know about his stay in Russia

The captive also reported that his mother does not know about his stay in Russia. He also admitted that he had limited knowledge about the world beyond North Korea, especially about South Korea.

Zelensky is trying to establish the facts regarding North Korea's participation in the war

Previously, Zelensky stated that one could play the 'trump card' with the North Korean captives.

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