Remove the 'secret' classification: business calls to open information about Ukraine's strategic deposits.

Business calls to open information on deposits
Business calls to open information on deposits

The European Business Association called to lift the 'secret' and 'for official use only' classifications from geological information about diamond, gold, lithium, titanium, platinum, and other important material deposits to attract investment. Experts from the Resource Use Committee of the European Business Association believe that such restrictions hinder the conclusion of international agreements in the field of subsurface use and complicate cooperation with strategic partners.

'Maintaining the 'secret' classification for balance reserves and resources may limit their development and reduce investor interest. This is particularly critical in conditions where Ukraine lacks the necessary capital and modern technologies,' the EBA stated.

It was emphasized that removing restrictions on geological information is especially relevant in the context of implementing the Ukraine Facility program and realizing strategic partnership with the EU in the raw materials sector. The business community is confident that lifting the classification restrictions from the data will help attract private investment in the mining and processing industries without compromising Ukraine's national security.

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