Grant Shapps

Data urodzenia: 14.09.1968
Grant Shapps – brytyjski biznesmen, polityk konserwatywny. Minister obrony Wielkiej Brytanii od 31 sierpnia 2023 roku. Ministr transportu (2019-2022), ministr spraw wewnętrznych Wielkiej Brytanii od 19 do 25 października 2022 roku, ministr bezpieczeństwa energetycznego i neutralności węglowej (2023). Wiceprzewodniczący Partii Konserwatywnej (2012-2015).
Miejsce urodzenia. Wykształcenie. Grant Shapps urodził się 14 września 1968 roku w Watfordzie. Pochodzi z rodziny brytyjskich Żydów, w wieku nastoletnim pracował w żydowskiej organizacji młodzieżowej BBYO. Studiował finanse i zarządzanie na Uniwersytecie w Manchesterze.
Kariera. Założył własną firmę o nazwie PrintHouse, świadczącą usługi druku i reklamy, a później internetu.
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Kariera polityczna. W 1997 r. nieskutecznie ubiegał się o mandat do Izby Gmin z ramienia Partii Konserwatywnej w londyńskim okręgu wyborczym North Southwark and Bermondsey. W 2001 r. podjął kolejną nieudaną próbę w okręgu Welwyn Hatfield w Hertfordshire, ale w 2005 roku w tym ostatnim okręgu Shapps został wybrany.
Shortly after the election of a new party leader David Cameron, Shapps was appointed vice-president of the Conservative Party, responsible for electoral matters. In 2007 he became the Tories' spokesman on housing construction. He was not a member of the official Shadow Cabinet, but had the right to attend its meetings.
In 2010-2012 he served as Minister for Housing and Local Government in David Cameron's cabinet.
In 2012 reshuffle he was appointed co-chairman of the party (along with Lord Feldman), as well as a minister without portfolio in a ministerial rank.
On May 7, 2015, the next parliamentary elections took place, which brought Grant Shapps victory in his Welwyn Hatfield constituency.
On May 11, 2015, David Cameron formed a new cabinet in which Shapps was appointed as Minister of State for International Development.
On November 28, 2015 Shapps resigned from the position of Minister of State for International Development.
On July 24, 2019, he was appointed Secretary of State for Transport in Boris Johnson's government formation.
On October 19, 2022, he was appointed Home Secretary in Liz Truss's government.
On October 25, 2022, Rishi Sunak's cabinet was formed, in which Shapps was given the portfolio of Minister for Enterprise, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
On February 7, 2023, Prime Minister Sunak reorganized the government, including creating a new Department for Energy Security and Carbon Neutrality and appointing Shapps to lead it.
On August 31, 2023, he replaced Ben Wallace as Defence Secretary in Rishi Sunak's government.
Life. In 1997, Shapps married Belinda Goldstone. In 2000, the family went through a serious ordeal when Grant was diagnosed with cancer and underwent chemotherapy. The couple raises three children.
He is a cousin of the famous punk rocker Mick Jones.
Hobbies and interests. In his spare time, Shapps enjoys flying his own Piper PA-32R light aircraft.
31.08.2023 r.