September 14: what holiday is today, traditions and prohibitions.

Symbolic holiday, traditions and prohibitions
Symbolic holiday, traditions and prohibitions

Today, September 14, several holidays are celebrated in Ukraine. The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine established Tank Forces Day. This holiday is dedicated to honoring tankers who throughout the history of Ukraine fought for the freedom and independence of the country. Also, on September 14, Physical Culture and Sports Day is celebrated, dedicated to popularizing a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and sports. This day also aims to honor athletes and trainers who amplify Ukraine's glory in the world. Ukrainian borscht, a national dish, also received its own holiday—Ukrainian Borscht Day. This holiday symbolizes Ukrainian culture and identity. Finally, the World First Aid Day draws attention to the importance of skills in emergency situations. These holidays are important for Ukrainians and contribute to the unification of the nation.

On this day, the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is also celebrated. The symbolism of this holiday reminds us of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his victory over death.

Among the traditions associated with this day, there are also folk omens. For example, if birds have flown south, expect severe frosts to approach. And if it suddenly got cold, you can expect an early spring.

On this day, there are also memorable dates. For example, in 1939, in the USA, the first helicopter was lifted into the air by the aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky, whose birth is associated with Ukraine.

September 14 is the name day for Ivan and Mykola.

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