Gas stations showed the price situation for fuel in Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Vinnytsia regions.

Fuel prices in Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, and Vinnytsia regions
Цінова ситуація на паливних станціях у Харкові, Дніпропетровську та Вінниці.

According to a new study published on the site, information has emerged about average fuel prices in some regions of Ukraine. This is important for Ukrainians who want to know the fuel prices in different regions to plan their trips as efficiently as possible.

Thus, in the Kharkiv region, the average price for A-95 gasoline is 56.99 UAH/l. The price for A-95+ gasoline is slightly higher at 59.74 UAH/l. If you need A-98, A-92, or A-80 gasoline, you can purchase it for 49.50 UAH/l, 53.92 UAH/l, and 27.18 UAH/l respectively. As for diesel fuel, its price is 54.89 UAH/l, while the improved version costs 57.00 UAH/l. Autogas can be purchased at a price of 37.14 UAH/l.

In the Dnipropetrovsk region, fuel prices are slightly lower: A-95+ costs 58.49 UAH/l, A-92 is 53.97 UAH/l. Diesel fuel can be purchased for 54.89 UAH/l, and autogas for 37.24 UAH/l.

In the Vinnytsia region, A-95 gasoline has an average price of 56.47 UAH/l, A-95+ is 60.00 UAH/l, A-98 is 49.50 UAH/l. Diesel fuel costs 54.49 UAH/l, and its improved version is 54.25 UAH/l. Autogas is sold at a price of 37.12 UAH/l.

This data on fuel prices in different regions will help Ukrainians save money and plan their trips more conveniently.


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