Diplomat explains what step could be the beginning of Russia's collapse.

Diplomat explains the collapse of Russia
Дипломат розкриває, який крок може стати першим сигналом до остаточного занепаду Росії.

Former Foreign Minister and ex-ambassador to Poland Andriy Deshchytsia expressed his opinion on possible scenarios for the collapse of the Russian Federation. According to him, this could happen due to a change of leadership in the country or a loss of influence over post-Soviet states.

As history shows, there will be a change of leadership in Russia. Perhaps this will happen in a limited circle - in the Kremlin, Moscow, or the Moscow region.

Deshchytsia noted that the Russian political and business elite are not interested in revolutionary changes, so most likely it will be a simple change of leadership. He also mentioned that a change in the administration of the United States could positively affect such a transition.

Regarding the second possible scenario that Deshchytsia pointed out, this is the gradual withdrawal of former Soviet republics from the influence of Russia. The Baltic countries have already successfully integrated into Western structures, becoming members of the EU and NATO. Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Armenia also express aspirations for independence.

Even the complete detachment of these countries from Russian influence could lead to the collapse of the Russian Empire.

Deshchytsia noted that currently within the RF, there are no strong separatist movements that could create autonomous regions or separate states.

Earlier, the National Security and Defense Council already spoke about the timelines for the collapse of Russia.

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