The EU Proposes to the US to Unite in Economic Security Amid Threats from China - Media.

The EU and the US unite against China
Європейські країни закликають Сполучені Штати до співпраці для забезпечення економічної стабільності в умовах зростаючих викликів з боку Китаю.

The European Union is ready to unite with the US to strengthen economic security and collectively confront competition from China, said European Commissioner for Trade Valdis Dombrovskis.

Moreover, Dombrovskis suggests expanding trade and investment ties with China, as China is the EU's third-largest and most complex trade partner. The Amsterdam stock market also plans to expand and grow.

To align positions with the American president, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen proposed increasing the purchase of American liquefied natural gas.

Over the past year, the European Commission has imposed tariffs on imports of Chinese electric vehicles due to suspicions of subsidies from China. Currently, negotiations are ongoing to resolve trade disputes.

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