Harvard historian explains why most Ukrainians are against elections.

Harvard historian explains the protests
Експерт з Гарварду розкриває причини неприязні українців до виборів.

Ukrainians are self-preserving due to the threat of war

According to historian Serhiy Plohiy from Harvard University, Ukrainian society feels the need for self-preservation as it warns them of danger. He notes that in recent years, society has become more homogeneous, but this level of homogeneity is still extremely high from a historical perspective.

“Most of the population is against holding elections today due to the influence of war and the threats that could harm society. They feel the need for self-preservation, which restrains them from debates and discussions,” emphasizes Plohiy.

According to the historian, in previous years Ukrainians limited themselves in expressing negativity, but now they talk about it, although calculatedly.

“People understand the consequences and have a sense of being cautious. The threat to society is serious, and it keeps it within certain boundaries,” emphasizes Plohiy.

Serhiy Plohiy also mentions the use of a lottery in the USA during the Vietnam War to determine draftees. He had previously spoken about the likelihood of a Third World War.

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