The Cabinet has changed the procedure for paying benefits for utilities for certain categories.

The Cabinet has changed the procedure for paying benefits for utilities
Кабінет міністрів оновив правила нарахування компенсацій за комунальні послуги для окремих груп населення.

Changes to the procedure for granting benefits for payment of housing and communal services

The Government of Ukraine adopted resolution No. 1420, which established important changes to the procedure for granting benefits for payment of housing and communal services. This resolution was adopted on December 13, 2024.

According to the new rules, if a person entitled to benefits is captured by the aggressor state or is considered missing under special circumstances, their right to receive benefits can be transferred to their relative.

However, there is an important condition - the relative must actually reside in the housing that the benefits are designated for.

'Payments are made from the month following the month of the relative's appeal of the benefit recipient,' the resolution states.

The money will be transferred directly to the bank account of the relative who applied for the benefit.

To receive payments, it is necessary to submit an application in any form and an extract from the Unified State Register of War Veterans.

Documents can be submitted in several ways:

  • in person through the service centers of the Pension Fund of Ukraine;
  • through the CNAP or through authorized representatives of local councils;
  • online through the PFU e-service web portal;
  • sent by mail to the relevant Pension Fund authority.

The government previously announced new conditions for receiving benefits.

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