The Ministry of Economy calculated how much money businesses received for employing internally displaced persons.

The government calculated the profit of businesses from employing displaced persons
Уряд проаналізував фінансову підтримку, що надається компаніям за працевлаштування внутрішньо переміщених осіб.

The state paid employers 320 million UAH for the employment of internally displaced persons

The Ministry of Economy reports that in 2024, the state paid 320 million UAH to employers under the compensation program for the employment of more than 15,000 internally displaced persons.

'More than 10 thousand employers received compensation from the government in 2024 for the employment of 15,200 Ukrainians who had to move from dangerous regions of the country. Almost 600 of them are people with disabilities. A total of 320 million UAH has been transferred to entrepreneurs under the compensation program. Thanks to this program, we financially support employers who hire internally displaced persons, thereby helping people find jobs faster and adapt to a new place. This year, the program continues to operate, and employers can take advantage of it,' said Deputy Minister of Economy Tetiana Berezhna.

The largest number of employers under this program have employed internally displaced persons in Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Poltava regions, and the city of Kyiv.

The amount of compensation for the employment of a person who received IDP status after February 24, 2022, is 8 thousand UAH. To receive funds, the employer must conclude a labor contract (including on a part-Time basis), a gig contract with the internally displaced person, and submit an application for compensation through the Diia Portal or in paper form at the employment center at the place of business activity along with the necessary documents.

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