Unpleasant 'surprise' in gas delivery bills: Ukrainians must pay even without consumption, otherwise – court.

Ukrainians must pay gas bills
Неочікувані витрати на рахунках за газ: українці повинні платити навіть за відсутності споживання, інакше – ризик судового позову.

Ukrainian gas companies intend to sue citizens who do not pay for natural gas delivery services, even if they do not use this type of fuel. This is reported by the publication 'Oboz.ua'.

According to current regulations, every consumer connected to the gas network is required to pay for delivery services every month. These funds are used to maintain and repair the gas infrastructure by gas distribution network operators.

Starting from 2025, the calculation system will change. 'The gas payment will be calculated based on actual consumption from October 2023 to September 2024,' industry experts report.

Delivery tariffs vary significantly by region: for example, in Kyiv this service costs 31.99 UAH, while in Lutsk it costs 156.9 UAH.

For consumers who have a connection but do not use gas, fixed annual consumption norms are established: 39 cubic meters for cooking, 126 cubic meters for water heating, and 314 cubic meters for heating.

This situation especially becomes a problem for Ukrainians living abroad. Cases have been identified where refugees returning after several years receive court decisions for the collection of arrears for gas delivery.

Naftogaz notes: 'To stop the charges, it is necessary to contact the gas distribution network operator with a statement to terminate gas supply and the delivery contract or provide evidence of disconnection.' This is the only legal way to avoid mandatory payments for gas delivery.

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