Before Prices Go Up: Which Products to Buy for New Year's and Christmas Right Now.

Grocery list for New Year and Christmas
Grocery list for New Year and Christmas

It's Time to think about preparing for the New Year's table and purchasing products. It is recommended to make a list of necessary products and do the shopping now when prices have not yet skyrocketed.

Particular attention should be paid to champagne and other festive drinks, which are an important element of the New Year's table. It is also necessary to buy non-alcoholic beverages for children or for those who do not drink alcohol.

Hard cheese, Parmesan, and cheddar will be a great addition to the New Year's table as a standalone snack or as ingredients for various dishes.

Meat plays an important role on the New Year's table. By purchasing and freezing it in advance, you can save time before the holidays.

Sweets, chips, snacks, dried fruits, and canned products should also be remembered during shopping. They will add a festive mood and variety to the table.

Basic vegetables that can be stored for a long time should also be purchased in advance. They are an important component of many dishes.

Butter and oil are also important products for preparing various dishes, so they should be bought in advance, taking advantage of favorable price offers.

Don't forget about timely shopping, as the cost of products may rise before the holidays.

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