The deployment of EU troops in Greenland makes sense - Brieger.

The deployment of EU troops in Greenland
Присутність європейських військових в Гренландії: новий стратегічний крок.

The deployment of EU troops in Greenland is key to stability in the region

Chairman of the EU Military Committee Robert Brieger believes that the deployment of not only American troops but also European forces in Greenland would be a sensible step towards achieving stability in the region. He expressed this opinion, referring to Politico.

'In my opinion, it would be quite reasonable not only to place American troops in Greenland, as is currently the case, but also to consider the possibility of deploying EU soldiers there. This would send a strong signal and could contribute to stability in the region,' Brieger stated.

Brieger added that this is a political decision that needs to take into account many interests.

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