Military ombudsman reported facts of abuse of military personnel.

Facts of abuse of military personnel
Військовий омбудсмен озвучив випадки неналежного ставлення до військовослужбовців.

Complaints of cruel treatment of soldiers

The Commissioner for the protection of the rights of military personnel and their families, Olga Reshetilova, reported the receipt of six complaints of cruel treatment of soldiers. In particular, among these complaints is a video depicting the torture of a serviceman by the battalion commander. Such cases of cruelty and beating are systematic in this battalion. Following Reshetilova's statement, investigators from the State Bureau initiated a criminal proceeding, and the commander was removed from office.

According to Olga Reshetilova, similar cases have been known in the battalion since September, but until now, no measures have been taken, although the soldiers who were beaten filed complaints and documented it with counterintelligence. The ombudsman's representative emphasized the need to verify this information and, if confirmed, to take appropriate action.

In her address, Olga Reshetilova urged to act in accordance with the law and not to tolerate violence. She also emphasized the serious problems of alcoholism and drug addiction in the military, as evidenced by recent arrests of drunk servicemen.

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