Ukrainians are buying real estate abroad: how much does housing cost in a popular country.

Housing prices abroad
Українці активно інвестують у нерухомість за кордоном: рейтинг цін на житло в затребуваних країнах.

Ukrainians ranked third among foreign buyers of real estate in Turkey in 2024. In total, more than 1600 properties were purchased. The minimum cost of housing that grants the right to obtain a residence permit is 200 thousand dollars. The average price of an apartment in popular regions ranges from 120 to 250 thousand dollars.

These data are provided by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). In recent years, Turkey has become attractive to many foreigners, including Ukrainians. The popularity of the country is explained by several factors:

- Convenient location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, and a warm climate that attracts investors and people looking for housing for vacation or permanent residence;

- A developed real estate market that offers a wide selection of properties - from affordable apartments to luxurious villas on the coast;

- The possibility of obtaining a residence permit when buying real estate worth from 200 thousand dollars;

- Investment attractiveness, as Turkey is a popular tourist destination, and buying real estate for rental generates stable income;

- Stability of conditions for foreign investors, as the Turkish government creates favorable conditions for buying real estate, which attracts the interest of foreigners.

Ukrainians were second only to citizens of Russia and Iran in the number of properties purchased. Russians continue to lead, having bought 4867 properties, but their activity has noticeably declined compared to previous years. Ukrainians hold the third place, having purchased 1600 properties, maintaining a high level of activity. In December 2024, Ukrainians bought 181 properties, slightly less than Iranians (239 properties).

The Turkish government increased the minimum cost of real estate required to obtain a residence permit in 2023. Now this amount is at least 200 thousand dollars. However, this has not halted the interest in purchasing housing from Ukrainians, as most consider Turkish real estate as a long-term investment. Moreover, the rise in property prices makes it even more attractive as a means of capital preservation. Demand for Turkish real estate among Ukrainians is likely to remain in 2025.

The main factors that will contribute to this remain: Turkey's strategic location and its popularity among tourists, attractive conditions for obtaining a residence permit and the possibility of investing in a growing market.

However, the increase in the minimum cost of housing for obtaining a residence permit may limit the number of buyers with low income. People who cannot invest 200 thousand dollars will consider Turkey exclusively as an option for vacation or rental, rather than for permanent residence.

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